Koncepcja odporności systemów społeczno-ekologicznych wobec innych aktualnych koncepcji rozwoju oraz uwagi krytyczne
The concept of resilience of socio-ecological systems to other current development concepts and critical remarks
Grzegorz MASIK
Uniwersytet Gdański
Wydział Nauk Społecznych
e-mail: grzegorz.masik@ug.edu.pl
ORCID: 0000-0001-6019-7763
Abstract: The aim of the article is to identify the concepts of development concerning the functioning of socio-ecological systems that share common elements with the concept of resilience. The second aim is to identify critical remarks relating to the concept of resilience, which are seldom raised by researchers and practitioners. The above goals were achieved on the basis of a query of mainly international literature relating to the concept of resilience of socio-ecological systems. The results of the research indicate that in the literature dealing with the issue of resilience, links with the concept of vulnerability and sustainable development are relatively often indicated. Critical comments relate to understanding resilience as an objective feature independent of the adopted axiology, understanding resilience in a purely positive context, and understanding resilience as the ability to withstand negative shocks rather than the ability to constantly adapt.
Key words: concepts, resilience, vulnerability, sustainable development
Zalecany sposób cytowania / Cite as: Masik G., 2022, Koncepcja odporności systemów społeczno-ekologicznych wobec innych aktualnych koncepcji rozwoju oraz uwagi krytyczne, Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 67.2, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 7 –18, DOI: 10.48128/pisg/2022-67.2-01
Wpłynęło: 18.01.2022
Zaakceptowano: 26.07.2022