Dostępność w kontekście muzeów (na wybranych przykładach)
Accessibility in the context of museums (on selected examples)
Uniwersytet Warszawski,
Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
Abstract: Accessibility in museums is a highly discussed topic among researchers and museum professionals. Nowadays, in the post-pandemic world, accessibility becomes an even more important element of museums activities. This article aims to explore on how museums deal with the problem of accessibility for people of all abilities. The research was based on a sample of 10 museums with the highest attendance in the world from TEA/AECOM 2019 Theme Index and Museum Index: The Global Attractions Attendance Report. The analysis was performed according to predetermined accessibility criteria. The collected results may constitute a set of good practices for other museums that want to adapt their offer to the diverse needs of visitors.
Key words: accessibility, museum, attendance
Zalecany sposób cytowania / Cite as: Łukasiewicz N., 2021, Dostępność w kontekście muzeów (na wybranych przykładach), Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 66.2, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 151–170, DOI: 10.48128/pisg/2021-66.2-09.
Wpłynęło: 22.06.2021
Zaakceptowano: 9.11.2021